Book a Home Consultation
our advisor will bring the latest collections to you , saving you hassle and time trying to picture what everything will look like in situ and save you numerous trips back and forth to more than one flooring showroom.
transforming floors at great prices with a great service.
Our huge range of wool , sisal , Jute and more, offers a variety of solutions and styles to suit any home. Measuring, fitting and a professional in-home service are all included in the price. It all adds up to value you can measure
All carpet materials can be made into bespoke Rugs with your choice of border or whipped edging.

Peace of Mind Guaranteed

Multi Carpet Discount

It all adds up to value you can measure
Make your house a home
Refurbing your home or moving is one of the biggest things you’ll have to go through in life, and we are here to help – we offer a one stop shop and can take care of your flooring needs.
Browse our range of carpet materials and order free samples before you move in Appointments available from the day you get your keys Options for every budget, from many different brands.
Flexible appointments to suit you, including evenings and weekends. Get it right the first time with expert measuring and fitting with over 40 years of experience.